Dr Jason Lam


(he/him) BDM, BMBS, DipChildHealth, MSportsMed, FRACGP

Jason was originally a professional dancer and artist before a major injury changed his career path. He studied medicine at Flinders University in South Australia before working in both Plastic Surgery and Dermatology in the Northern Territory and New South Wales Tertiary hospitals. He endeavours to ensure a holistic and collaborative approach to patient care, helping them achieve their goals. He is a philomath with interests in surgery, dermatology, sports medicine, the assessment and management of skin cancer, general medicine, pain, chronic wounds and complex cases. He likes to think of himself as a less pathologic ‘Dr House’ and thrives on diagnostic challenges and complexity.

He gained his Fellowship in General Practice and has also completed a Diploma of Child Health, a Certificate in Practical Dermoscopy from the Australian College of Dermatology and a Masters of Sports Medicine. He was the inaugural Crichton Dance Medicine fellow with the Australian Ballet. He has undertaken further training with the Australian College of Sport and Exercise Physicians and is involved in medical education, publication and research. He is committed to ongoing professional development and is privileged to work alongside some of the best across many fields.

He currently consults at Bluff Road Medical Centre. He offers a specialised service and does not offer routine general practice care, but is very pleased to work alongside your regular GP and healthcare team to ensure your needs and goals are met.

Outside of medicine, Jason enjoys time with his young family, riding his mountain bike with questionable skill; producing dreadfully pretentious short films, photography and custom jewellery.

Dr Jason Lam acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation on which he lives and works and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.



Sport, musculo-skeletal & Performing arts Medicine

Jason was the inaugural Crichton Dance Medicine Fellow with the Australian Ballet and a doctor for Orchestra Victoria. He was the doctor for Sandringham VFL,VFLW Carlton VFLW and has covered combat sports, and the Commonwealth Games. He has particular interest working with performing artists bringing his experience of over a decade working in the performing arts space at an elite level, both as a performer, teacher and more recently as a doctor and researcher. He also has particular expertise with back pain working closely with Neurosurgeon Mr Reece Sher.

Minor Surgery& procedures

Jason performs a range of surgical procedures under local anaesthesia and light sedation including excision of cysts and other lumps and bumps, scar revision, ingrown toenails, removal of foreign bodies under ultrasound guidance (including difficult Implanon), ultrasound-guided cannulation for iron infusion, repair of lacerations, management of abscesses, chronic wounds, microsuction of ears, reconstruction of earlobes (stretched from piercings/trauma) and diathermy for troublesome nose bleeding.

Skin cancer assessment & surgery

Jason has advanced skills in the assessment of skin cancer having undertaken further training with the Australian College of Dermatologists and is an expert at management, with particular interest in the surgical management of skin cancers on difficult areas like the ear, face, hands and lower limb. He trained with award-winning plastic surgeon Mr Rohit Kumar and is skilled in minimally scarring surgery using Mr Russell Aldred’s deckled skin incision technique.

Complex Diagnostic Medicine

Jason takes particular joy in complex conditions, diagnostic conundrums and medical mysteries with particular interest and expertise in hypermobility, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, POTS, other dysautonomias, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalitis (CFS/ME), Long Covid, neurodivergence and its associated conditions and is often consulted to review as a second or third opinion.

Dermatology & wound care

Jason worked as a Dermatology registrar at Royal Darwin Hospital along with his experience in Plastic Surgery and wound clinics. He is experienced in the management of common and uncommon skin conditions and the care of chronic wounds.


Jason is committed to teaching and worked as a medical educator with Eastern Victoria GP Training, an AHPRA mentor, is a RACGP Registrar Supervisor and enjoys teaching registrars and medical students. He is in demand for keynote engagements and is a member of Sports Medicine Australia, the Australian Society for Performing Arts Health, the Ehlers-Danlos Society and the International Association of Dance Medicine and Science. Jason has particular interest in the use of point of care ultrasound (POCUS) in primary care and teaches for the Royal Australian College of General Practice in the use of POCUS for rural GPs. His research has resulted in publications and presentations nationally and internationally in dance medicine, hand surgery, medical education and chronic pain.

Publications & Presentations

Dance Medicine Module at SEM Academy by ACSEP.

SEM Academy is the most comprehensive resource for Sport and Exercise Medicine education, and Jason authored this module with with Dr Andrew Garnham, Dr Sue Mayes, Dr Vicki Higgins and Dr Diana Robinson

There are some free modules to get a feel of what SEM Academy can offer. Dance Medicine is one and there are 2 other award-winning modules available. Try them here

Pattern Recognition of Clinical Syndromes related to Neuromusculoskeletal Pain Disorders

Jason authored the Foot and Ankle Chapter with Dr Sue Mayes, Dr Ebonie Rio, Prof Jill Cook and Prof Eamonn Delahunt

Available here

Jason is honoured to be presenting with Zebras Australia on the diagnostic challenges of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and exploring with participants a framework for assessing and helping these patients.

Ausdance NSW’s Re-Opening Dance in NSW COVID-19 Guidance Notes

This document guides the NSW dance sector to safely return to the studio and provides information and advice for planning and managing COVID-safe artistic, business and community activities. At the heart of this revision is dancer wellbeing. 

From incremental loading, sleep and recovery to the social, emotional and psychological needs of a dancer, the notes include a timely and rich new section outlining key considerations to promote and maintain dancer wellbeing. It has been co-authored by a working party comprising Australian clinicians, researchers and expert practitioners including Gabby Davidson, Dr Danielle Einstein, Dr Annie Jeffries, Dr Jason Lam and Dr Elena Lambrinos. This new section is also available as an excerpt entitled, On Dancer Wellbeing and is applicable beyond NSW to the broader Australian dance community.

In consultation with Create NSW, Office of Sport and Service NSW the revision also includes new sections on vaccination, ventilation and mask-wearing. Finally, there is an additional appendix detailing FAQs for the dance studio sector. 

*The revised notes are available to Ausdance NSW members only. To become a member, please follow the link here: Register Here 

Excerpt from the notes, On Dancer Wellbeing, is now available for free download on the Ausdance NSW website. Alternatively, email admin@ausdancensw.com.au

Selected Keynotes:

Creative Careers in Medicine 2024

Burning GP 2024

AMSA National Leaders Development Seminar 2019

University of Western Sydney Medical School Graduation 2018, 2019


Magnetic resonance imaging findings associated with posterior ankle impingement syndrome are prevalent in elite ballet dancers and athletes
Baillie, Cook, Ferrar, Smith, Lam, Mayes Skeletal Radiology May 2021

Associations between clinical and imaging findings in posterior ankle impingement syndrome: A systematic review

Baillie, Mayes, Lam, Ferrar, Cook Acta Radiologica April 2021

Posterior Ankle Impingement Syndrome Clinical Features Are Not Associated With Imaging Findings in Elite Ballet Dancers and Athletes
Bailie, Ferrar, Cook, Smith, Lam, Mayes Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine Feb 2022

Early Active Vector Adjustable Skin Traction (EAVAST) for complex and unstable phalangeal fractures.

Boer-Vreeke, Fairclough, Lam Bardoel. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor HandTherapie Nov 2020

Early Active Vector Adjustable Skin Traction (EAVAST) for Phalangeal Fractures.

Dowd, Fairclough, Lam Hand vol 11, issue 1_suppl 2016


Dr Jason Lam is currently consulting at Bluff Road Medical Centre Sandringham, Victoria

Pre appointment questionnaires and forms

Concussion age 13+

Concussion under 13years

Eating disorder screening

Meal and training diary

MCAS screening questionaire